Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Perfect Christmas Gift

The Perfect Christmas Gift

I have the perfect Christmas gift for you to buy any female close to you this Christmas- please see above. This very funky necklace has been designed by Vivienne Westwood for Reprieve, the charity I work for and feel very strongly about. This is a perfect way to donate some money to an extremely important cause at the same time as giving someone you like a lovely gift. It costs £105, with all profits going direct to Reprieve. And you can buy it here:
Reprieve is a human rights charity that uses the law to save people all around the world from dire situations. The people I work with daily (a mix of lawyers, investigators and other volunteers like me), get innocent men and women out of jail and off death row. There is nothing much sadder to me than imagining an innocent person being locked up and being abused, away from their families and loved ones. I mean can you imagine! Imagine your dad suddenly disappearing and not knowing where he’s gone, and then finding out he’s in a military camp somewhere being tortured with no access to a lawyer or anyone to help?
This ACTUALLY HAPPENS! Reprieve gets calls from relatives of people in situations like these quite often and helps them. Vivienne feels as strongly about this as I do, and we’re both hoping that this necklace will help to raise essential funds for Reprieve.
For more information and to understand what I’m talking about a bit better, please visit:

The Perfect Christmas Gift

The funds raised from this necklace will go towards providing legal council to those who otherwise couldn’t afford it, or wouldn’t know how to access it. Some of those that Reprieve represent are guys inside Guantanamo Bay. I have met a few former Guantanamo prisoners now, and it makes my heart heavy when I think about the torture that they endured, the humiliation, the inhumane abuse they received at the hands of the US military. These are men who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and got sold for bounties to the Americans. Did you know the Americans literally dropped leaflets down from planes offering bounties of $5000 to anyone who handed over a ‘terror suspect?’ To a Pakistani villager that was enough to feed their kids for five years. And that was how the majority in Guantanamo got there. I know it sounds mad - it is mad! And there are still innocent men inside there who need your help! Please click here to buy one of these limited edition necklaces, and help save the lives of men and women who need your help this Christmas:

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